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Winter Beauty 101: Expert tips to keep your skin and hair hydrated

With the frigid weather officially upon us, "Good Morning America" tapped dermatologist Dr. Whitney Bowe for her top tips on how to keep skin and hair hydrated during the winter.

Thanksgiving is over so you may think it's time to cut down on certain fats, but eating healthy fats are essential to healthy skin, especially during the winter, according to Bowe.

Bowe recommends searching for skincare products with fats such as ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids -- the key ingredients to restore the essential fats your skin needs this time of year.

If you are looking in your pantry -- Bowe recommends going for the olive oil because it's naturally rich in Vitamin E and polyphenols, and intensely moisturizing.

You can make your own shimmery olive oil body moisturizer at home by mixing olive oil with a shimmery eye shadow or highlighter that you break apart with a fork on a piece of paper. Turn that paper into a funnel and put the powder into your olive oil then spread the mixture onto your body.

If you are going to use an oil on your face, Bowe recommends mixing it with a little moisturizer to give your skin an extra boost of hydration while still not overdoing it.

Bowe also recommends using coconut oil in the winter, but not on the face for people with acne-prone skin.

Coconut oil has amazing benefits for the hair, however, according to Bowe.

A DIY way to use coconut oil on your hair is to add two to three tablespoons of coconut oil to a spray bottle and fill the rest with warm water so that the coconut oil melts. Shake well and spray all over your hair and scalp before you shower, as a pre-wash, and then wash it out with shampoo in the shower.

One last trick to moisturize your whole body without putting anything on is to get a cool mist humidifier, according to Bowe. The humidifier will help your skin and hair pull moisture from the air.

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